Corey Glazer

Managing Partner


An aggressive entrepreneur right out of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Corey has founded/co-founded a number of companies in the energy, real estate and emerging sectors. Companies such as Hurricane Hydro Services and BCR Services specialized in multi-state oil field operations in states including: North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado. Corey has grown and oversees an expansive real estate portfolio consisting of, primarily residential, real estate in the Midwestern region. Founded on his philosophy of trusting strong operators and independent thinkers first, Corey built Iron Oak on the principles of finding the best entrepreneurs and leaders to partner with in order to continuously strive for a better way to build and grow business.


Chad Larson


Chad’s business acumen has been formed by the earth. At the youngest of ages, Chad worked on his family’s farm in Montana. There he learned how to profit from the soil and derived an immense work ethic from a young age.  Chad was driven use to use the skills and practical knowledge he built over the years to improve on the the way business was done using the land. Chad graduated from Montana State University with his Bachelor's degree in Plant and Soil Science and a Master's degree in Architecture. Chad has founded companies specializing in Landscape Architecture and helped expand companies working in the Oil & Gas sector. Chad’s passion lies in Bozeman. He currently oversees Iron Oak’s Montana Real Estate division and his dedication to enhancing one of the most beautiful areas in the world always shows in his consistently expanding portfolio.


Matthew Bashwiner


Some would describe Matthew as an outside-the-box thinker. Upon graduating from the University of Southern California in 2008, Matthew opted to turn down a career in private equity; instead deciding to take up residency in China where a co-founded the Eschaton Group, a media production and consultation company. Over the next 7 years (4 living in China), Matthew pioneered first-of-their-kind deals that involved brokering everything from politics to technology to finance to international cultural influence. Missing the land he loved, Matthew returned to the United States and joined Creative Artists Agency for a two year stint. He left the agency to co-found FarWest Entertainment -Television Division where he produced and sold media properties throughout the Pan Asian Region and United States. Armed with a talent for creative deal-making and bullish opinions, Matthew oversees Iron Oak’s Emerging Markets division. His goal is to examine the constantly evolving landscape of opportunities and have Iron Oak seed the entrepreneurs with a desire to leave this world a better place than they found it.


Mike Blaskovich


Mike is an engineer. He understands how things are built and how they are supposed to operate. His philosophy is one built on the beauty of efficiency. After studying engineering at Montana Tech and Montana State, Mike was mentored at the Stillwater mining company, the only palladium mine in the US. He grew his expertise in Systems and Surface Operations. Next Mike went to Round Mountain Gold Mine for Kinross Gold Corp, where he was mentored on day to day mine safety operations in open pit mining and mine rescue. The natural transition from mining was to the oil field where Mike acted as the General Manager for Hurricane Hydro Services and oversaw a tremendous era of growth for the company. Mike is the head of Iron Oak’s Energy division, where he has expanded their position in both Oil & Gas and Solar Energies. It is Mike’s persistent attention to detail and proper procedures that help shape drive the companies in Iron Oak’s portfolio to greater heights.